Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Settee, Adventures in Refinishing & Reupholstering

Ever since I laid eyes on it one fine day in an antique shop an hour north of here, I have been dreaming about a settee, pining for it, but most of all, kicking myself repeatedly for not buying it there on the spot.  At the time the price was fantastic, it had been re-upholstered white, and was in need of some minor (only) repairs.  However, as the wise sign hanging there in the shop says…you may find your treasure today, buy it right away, for tomorrow it may be gone.  Indeed, after departing the shop, I had it on my mind for days, and when I returned with heart pounding, of course, it had been sold.

Years later, after always being on the lookout, leaving my name and phone number with shops, just in case, I am lucky enough to once again spot my settee.  I haven’t found another like it for sale on the web, and no other would due as I had found my perfection, with gentle rolling arms, no back, and just that certain width and length.  Yes, it was meant to be.

Gentle rolling arms!
The only problem was…I found it while on a trip to visit my mother, several states to the north (yes, I had flown to get there).  How on earth was I to get it back?  Forgive me, I’m leaving out how it came to be.  So, there we were sitting outside of an antique shop, having a slice or two of homemade applesauce bread (mmmm, mom made), when this van pulled up.  I went to get the door for them, and noticed in the back…an arm, a familiar arm.  She (mom) says I stopped in the middle of our conversation, and I do remember calling out to the couple “That’s my settee!” which I’m sure sounded perfectly crazy to them, but after explaining my search, they must have felt pity on me (or just wanted to unload the thing) and gave it to me at a remarkable price.

MY settee

Getting it here was no easy feat.  It was too big to be checked at the airport, and most shipping companies designated it as freight due to its size as well.  But, being resourceful, we removed the legs.  Duh.  Now for a box…Mom once again works her magic, and cut one she had scoured out and stalked down to the perfect size, even with room for some memory foam padding that she’s trying to unload bit by bit.  Fed Ex delivered via ground 2 days later and here’s my settee!!

Did I mention I’m going to refinish it entirely?  No?  Well, that’s the plan!

Step One, The Legs

Easy to unscrew, I was relieved to see a decent wood-grain underneath this awful paint/stain concoction I know not what.  It took 4 hours to strip (Kleen Strip spray), sand and wash, but now we’re on our way!

Original condition
In the process
Stripped, sanded and washed

I went to apply stain the next day, and found a delay...I have no brush.

Why it was so hard to find a 1 inch brush, I have no idea, but here is the finished leg, with one coat of stain, two coats of poly.

Next up, dismantling the upholstery...measuring...repairing...finding new upholstery...and the assembly.
All on hold while I manage this mysterious spider bite that has left my hand red and swollen.  It got me while I was working in the yard, hopefully, I'll be back to normal function soon!

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