Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fig-A-Licious: Bacon wrapped figs stuffed with feta

Fig Time

It’s that time of the year, when the poor mangled tree in the far portion of the back yard is putting forth its very best effort, and offering some very excellent figs.  Never before had I tasted a perfectly ripened fig right off of the tree, what a treat for the taste buds!  Although, I feel that way about most things that are home grown and ripe-harvested (that they are best), it’s just not practical for everyone or everything, but I certainly feel lucky that I can pluck these beauties.

This dinner has double the fig, so count on double the fun, right?
The first recipe is very simple, take ripe figs, slice in half, gently stuff each side with a small chunk of feta, and wrap with one half slice of bacon (about 4-5 inches long).   
Skewer with a toothpick or bamboo skewer.  

Broil for 5 minutes, switch to a middle rack, and bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes and voile la! 
A very simple recipe, but it delivers outstanding and big flavor results.  The blend of salty from the bacon and sweet from the fig, with the creamy melted feta earns this treat a place on the “make to impress” menu.  This is a great appetizer, but tonight I decided use them on a simple spinach salad.

The dressing for the salad also contained figs and was very easy and quick to make.
1 ¼ C whole figs, not dried
3 T. olive oil
3T balsamic vinegar
¼ C water
1 garlic clove
ground pepper to taste, about 1/4 tsp. or so

First, chop the garlic clove and sauté lightly in a bit of the oil, then add with the other ingredients to the food processor and process until smooth.
Then I chose to cook, using the same pan from the garlic, for about 10 minutes at a simmer, to smooth out the edges of the vinegar.
Cool and refrigerate.
I was not as impressed with this dressing, it was too subtle, but recommend the addition of honey and maybe another small clove of garlic.

Try the stuffed figs!  You won't be disappointed! 

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