Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Cleaning

So I had finally had it with the folded piles of fabric sitting on the setee by the foot of the bed, and determined to clean up this clutter one way or another.  But then I looked in at my sewing corner, and saw such disarray.  Four bags stuffed full and overflowing with leftover fabric, from scraps, to the I'll get on that project and fix it to something useful stages of things no longer worn were hovering in the corner like a looming tower.  Crushing my creative nature, and guilting me every time I bought new fabric.

Enough was enough.
I needed organization.  Order!  A sensible set-up!
I needed....shelves.

However, it is the unfortunate fact that we live in a town without a store selling lumber.  That's right.  You can buy dowel rods at the hardware store and that's about it.  So, after surveying my leftover stash of scrap pieces (now excited by the idea of using up these odds and ends as well), I made a list of what I had and started drawing out a plan. 

Well, after much cutting, sanding and fastening, I was rewarded with moderate success.
I now have a shelf.
And thing look so organized!
This inspired me to clean the whole corner of that room, re-organize, etc.
And one thing led to another and before I knew it, I've even got the leftover fabric rolled, banded and in a designated area.

Here is the "after shot" of my efforts...the before shot never happened, and it's just as well-take my word for it.

Now I'm all juiced up for my next project.  The workspace is just begging to be used!

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